
Trying to understand how well I can learn the religion of my birth cannot be reduced to visiting any one website on Hinduism.

The current plethora of different websites on Hinduism serve the purpose of telling the public, but whether they are getting decent service from these websites rests on the presentation style, contents, and intended audience of the website as well as the depth of knowledge of the maker of the website and certainly on every individual visitor’s reason for the site visit, interest and quest for knowledge of religion with about 1 billion Hindus around the world, representing 15% of the global population, according to the Pew Research Center.

Armed with an accumulated assortment of audio, books, images, videos, and websites I had bookmarked for many years, I concluded what better way than to design my own website on Hinduism? I thought if I designed a website and populated it with knowledge on Hinduism in the simplest form that I can understand in the first instance, then I could expect visitors to my website to share a simpler system of understanding about this great religion. Nonetheless, I know I will face countless hours of hard work and dedication during this process of building a website on a subject that is so ancient, large, and mystical.

This gives birth to Hinduismgyan, my own take on this major world religion with a unique presentation style using an array of graphics, all in one website.

Hinduismgyan takes its form from GYAN, Gyān, Gyaan, or Gyan which refers to a Sanskrit word that roughly translates to ‘knowledge’ in English and hitherto “Knowledge on Hinduism”.

Hinduismgyan is a website with an embodiment of knowledge in Hinduism presented with greater emphasis on presenting the facts about Hinduism graphically and with less text, along with simple and accessible explanations of the tenets of Hinduism and as a guide to all things Hindu, offering a variety of perspectives all shown graphically as much as it can be projected this way.

I hope Hinduismgyan serves you well.

For Hinduismgyan,